OSeMOSYS Global is my first publication as lead author!

The Open Source energy MOdelling SYStem (OSeMOSYS) is an energy modelling framework for conducting long term energy planning studies. OSeMOSYS Global is an open-source, open-data, freely available global model generator that can be used to quickly and efficiently create interconnected or standalone, geographically diverse, electricity system models to address the trade-offs and synergies inherent in deploying renewable energy and expanded transmission capacity at scale across large geographic areas.

OSeMOSYS Global allows for flexible and fast scenario exploration studies. Its ability to perform model optimizations with different spatial and temporal resolutions positions it well to investigate a wide range of energy policy research questions. This is increasingly important when the need to take quick and efficient climate change action is needed.

Read the open access paper here

Read the OSeMOSYS Global documentation here

View the code repository here
